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How do we close the digital skills gap?

Photo of The Digital Academy
The Digital Academy Discover Pure Digital.

The world around us is becoming more digital with every passing year. While this is paving the way for exciting new careers, the rapid rate of progress means many employers are finding themselves falling behind.

What is the digital skills gap in the UK?

The demand for digital skills has outstripped the number of professionals with the expertise to use, maintain and implement this technology, creating a noticeable digital skills gap.

What does this mean? Well, the following statistics paint a clear picture of the current problem:

With the tech industry responsible for 5.5% of the UK industry – a percentage that will only continue to grow in the coming years – this skills gap is a pressing problem. In fact, it is estimated that 20% of the workforce will be significantly underskilled by 2030; that’s around 6.5 million people.

The implications of our skills shortage

With the right people in such short supply, companies are being held back. A lack of digital literacy has become the biggest barrier to digitisation at work, stifling corporate growth and progress.

And, while it’s estimated that the digital skills gap costs the UK economy as much as £63 billion in potential GDP every year, employees throughout the country are seeing a real and immediate impact on their careers.

Poor digital literacy limits the opportunities people can access, the progression they can achieve, and the salaries they can earn. As a result, it’s estimated that workers are missing out on more than £5 million in additional earnings annually.

But the impact of the skills gap is more than financial. Without the right expertise, employees are beginning to experience poorer job satisfaction, receive fewer development opportunities and are less productive.

“It’s more important than ever that people can gain vital digital skills, so they can apply for better paid jobs and increase their incomes, while boosting the UK’s economy by almost £13 billion.”
Nicola Green, Virgin Media O2

So, how do we repair the digital skills gap?

There is no simple solution for the sizeable skills gap affecting the UK right now. But, we firmly believe that the foundation for any long-term fix will be found in education.

Today’s students are more technologically adept than any generation before them, yet this currently isn’t translating to a large number of digital workers. Nurturing young people’s interests in digital, and channelling this so they can gain the skills today’s companies are crying out for, is fundamentally important to closing our present skills gap.

By equipping students with the qualifications that top employers are looking for, we can help make their transitions into the world of work seamless, enabling them to thrive in these exciting and evolving industries.

Putting a stronger emphasis on digital learning at school, especially for teenagers and young adults, will benefit the UK economy, plug costly holes in a wide range of companies, and empower the next generation to chase careers that are:

  • Financially rewarding;

  • Personally fulfilling;

  • Creatively inspiring;

  • And digitally focused

That is why The Digital Academy (TDA) exists. To provide students with the ideal environment to mould their skills, so that they will one day become the next generation of digital professionals driving Southend City, South Essex and the UK forward.

Imagine working with students who share your passion for technology, or learning from instructors with years of industry experience. At TDA our students get to grips with the latest technology to develop their abilities, so that they are perfectly prepared to carve a bright future in a dream job.

Careers in game development, networking and cybersecurity, digital marketing and more – the path to these all starts at TDA. We pride ourselves in offering students a totally unique experience where they are encouraged to unleash their creativity, and become digital experts in the areas that matter to them.

So, are you ready to take advantage of the digital skills gap and enter a wonderful, rewarding career? There’s still time to sign up for our digital courses before the September 2023 start date, so hurry and apply now.

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